Kouga Express

Local kickboxing academy shines at national champs

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From left are Emile de Klerk, Shihan Louwrens Botha, and Tabor Kruger.
From left are Emile de Klerk, Shihan Louwrens Botha, and Tabor Kruger.

Jeffreys Bay-based Botha’s Kickboxing Academy had two of their fighters, Tabor Kruger and Emile de Klerk, perform exceptionally well while representing the Eastern Cape at the South African National Championships in Potchefstroom, North West, from April 25 to 28.

Kruger competed in the senior men’s 89kg division and was placed first in the light continuous, and third in the semi-contact, while De Klerk who competed in the senior men’s 69kg division, was placed fifth in both light continuous and kick light.

De Klerk said there were physical challenges he had to face this time around, and feels he has some unfinished business. Next year, at the national championships, his goal is clear, to win gold.

Kruger said that to get mentally ready, he likes to keep calm, focus on clean technique, and above all remember to have fun.

“That was the exact frame of mind I was in when I won gold and became the national champion,” said Kruger.

He further said it has been an “enriching journey” for him and De Klerk to support each other, while preparing physically and mentally.

One of the opportunities that presented themselves after the national championships was the World Association of Kickboxing Organisations (WAKO) African Championships to be held in Benoni, Gauteng, in December, where Kruger will represent South Africa in the light continuous division.

Shihan Louwrens Botha from Botha’s Kickboxing Academy said his academy has produced top-notch kickboxers.

He said achievements by the two kickboxers serve to solidify the academy’s reputation as a hub for talented and driven athletes.

“Bringing home the hardware cements the academy’s reputation as a force to be reckoned with in Jeffreys Bay and the Kouga kickboxing scene,” said Botha.

“Congratulations to Tabor and Emile on their achievements, and thank you to the Botha’s Kickboxing Academy team for their unwavering support and enthusiasm.”

Botha further said that kickboxing requires exercise and self-discipline.

“The mental and psyche part of kickboxing helps younger members to understand winning is not the end all, it’s getting on the tatami and facing your fears. It is about not quitting when things get tough, and having consistency to show up for each practice and participate as much as possible,” said Botha.

He further said that kickboxing at the academy is also a way to get to know new people and broaden the participants’ social circles.

Kickboxing is much more than just a sport, it also cements some core values into you as a human being, building character, and smoothing rough edges along the way.

He said that the academy is looking for new, fresh fighters, who are committed and dedicated to the sport and willing to work hard to achieve their goals.

“A special congratulations to Shihan Botha who led the charge in the preparation of Emile and Tabor. Kouga and Jeffreys Bay are proud to call you their own,” said team manager, Rika van Jaarsveld.

For more info, contact Shihan Louwrens Botha at 072 357 5090.

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