
Sundowns' Mokwena adopts Cantona-esque avian wisdom to rise above the crows

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Mamelodi Sundowns mentor Rhulani Mokwena. (Darren Stewart/Gallo Images)
Mamelodi Sundowns mentor Rhulani Mokwena. (Darren Stewart/Gallo Images)

Move over king Eric Cantona, the young prince Rhulani Mokwena is holding court. 

The 37-year-old coach adopted a Cantona-esque response when asked whether he believes he and his all-conquering Mamelodi Sundowns will be praised in future when people look back at all they have achieved.

Mokwena has said on numerous occasions that he doesn't feel appreciated enough, and that the Sundowns' team that is on the verge of finishing the season unbeaten isn't being given enough credit for what they have achieved. 

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