
SA Rugby president insists transformation is on track: 'Making a mountain out of a mole heap'

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SA Rugby president Mark Alexander. (Ashley Vlotman/Gallo Images)
SA Rugby president Mark Alexander. (Ashley Vlotman/Gallo Images)
  • SA Rugby has responded to reports indicating that the Springboks are still fielding too many white players.
  • SA Rugby president Mark Alexander insists they are "definitely tracking in the right direction" with regards to transformation.
  • The SA Rugby boss also took a dig at the media for "misleading headlines" that are "making a mountain out of a mole heap".
  • For more rugby news, visit our dedicate page.

SA Rugby president Mark Alexander insists the governing body is on track in achieving its transformation objectives.

This follows a report in Sunday newspaper Rapport that indicated that the Springboks did not select a sufficient amount of "generic black" players in 2023.

According to the Afrikaans publication, a "comprehensive" 206-page audit compiled by SA Rugby sent to the country's provincial unions stated that the Springboks fell short of their targets last year.

The audit is part of SA Rugby's Strategic Transformation Development Plan for 2030 (STDP2030), with government setting a target for national sports bodies to field teams that consist of 60% black and coloured players by 2030.

EXPLAINER | What the SA Rugby transformation report said, and what it means for Springboks

In 2023, the Springboks' transformation targets were 54% for "generic black players", which includes black and coloured players, of whom 27% had to be "ethnically black players".

However, in the Rugby Championship, the Bok team consisted of 39% "generically black" players, of whom 13% were ethnic black players. During the triumphant World Cup campaign in France, the Boks used 38% "generically black" players, 16% of whom were ethnic black players.

SA Rugby responded to the matter via a press statement on Monday, with Alexander saying that overall, he was "very happy" with their performance.

"The provincial unions all showed massive commitment and passed their self-determined targets. Team demographics are a challenge in some areas, but pathways are becoming better transformed, which is very positive for the future."

The STDP2030 encompasses all areas of endeavour in rugby - including operations such as procurement, governance, staffing, committees, as well as team demographics.

"Transformation is a process, and when you turn on the television and watch rugby at all levels, it is very easy to see the progress we are making on the field," said Alexander.

"What you don't see are the other areas of diversity and inclusion that are advancing at a rapid pace and are covered by the STDP 2030, which focuses on access to the game, skills and capacity development, demographic representation, performance, community development and social responsibility, and corporate governance.

"That improvement is nowhere more obvious than at the level of our national teams where we have made ground-breaking strides under the leadership of Rassie Erasmus.

"Yes, we have targets for the Springboks in demographics, but we also have performance targets which we will not compromise, and we are definitely tracking in the right direction on both fronts."

'Making a mountain out of a mole heap'

The SA Rugby boss hit out at media organisations for painting a picture of an apparent lack of progress with regards to transformation.

"Misleading headlines are making a mountain out of a mole heap regarding the transformation outburst in the media, but our organisation has a much broader lens through which to view the state of play," Alexander said.

"Inclusion is as equally crucial as is diversity, as it ensures that everyone is treated equally and has a voice in the team environment.

"Our commitment extends beyond diverse representation; we are dedicated to fostering an inclusive culture where every player, regardless of their background, feels valued and heard.

"The Springboks are the best players available in any calendar year to represent our country - they reflect the funnel of available talent and real progress is being made in creating opportunities and new heroes for every community.

"The Springbok team have contributed positively to social cohesion in our country. The recent honorary doctorate received by Rassie Erasmus was well-deserved, because he understands what it means to be a South African. He picks players based on what they can bring to the team and their commitment to one another.

"The STDP is a process with a finishing line in 2030. The annual reports are our way of measuring progress, celebrating success, and noting areas for eventual improvement."

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They have NO chance! I'm calling a group stage exit.
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They'll get through the group but then be eliminated in the knockouts. Same old, same old!
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This is our year! The Proteas can go all the way with their star players.
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