
READ: Thoko’s first library book (Eng, Zulu, Xhosa & 3 more)

Thoko’s first library book
Thoko’s first library book

This story is brought to you by Nal'ibali, which means Here's the story in isiXhosa. Nal'ibali is a storytelling initiative that aims to establish a culture of reading for enjoyment in children.

This story was created by Niki Daly.

Scroll down to download the PDF story in English, isiZulu, isiXhosa, Sepedi, Sesotho, and Afrikaans.

Thoko's first library book

Thoko walked into the library with Gogo. She liked the smell of the new building. She liked the shelves of books and shiny tables. Today, she hoped to find something special to read. A storybook … with pictures!

She held Gogo’s warm hand as they walked into the room where all the children’s books were kept. A lady at a desk looked up and smiled. She wore a little badge. On it was written, “Li-bra-ri-an”.

“Thoko would like to borrow a book from the library,” said Gogo.

“Does Thoko have a library card?” asked the librarian. Thoko shook her head. “Well, you can get a library card to take out books after your Gogo has filled out a form,” said the librarian.

Gogo sat down on a little yellow chair at a little green table and started to fill in the form. Thoko sat on a red chair and looked around. There were lots of different coloured tables and chairs. On the walls were lots of colourful pictures and posters. On the shelves were lots and lots and lots of books.

“I like it here,” whispered Thoko. Gogo looked up and smiled.

“Why don’t you find a nice book to take home,” said Gogo.

Thoko walked around the room slowly. Some books were on shelves too high for her to reach. Some she could reach, but they had too many words and no pictures.

“Let me show you where the picture books are kept, Thoko,” said the nice librarian, whose name was Nadia. Thoko followed Nadia to shelves that were just the right height for her.


“Take your time,” said Nadia. “I’m sure you’ll find just the right book for yourself.”

“Take your time,” said Nadia. “I’m sure you’ll find just the right book for yourself.”

By the time Gogo handed in the form, Thoko had found just the right book – a book about a mouse, a fox, an owl, a snake AND a terrible monster with horns and tusks.

“This looks very scary. Let’s see if there’s one that won’t give you nightmares,” said Gogo. Gogo found a book with a pretty cover. It had a picture of a fairy in a pink ballet dress and glittery wings.

“This looks like a lovely book,” said Gogo. But Thoko shook her head. She knew what she liked and she knew what she wanted. So, she held tightly onto her book.

“Ah, everyone likes that book,” said the librarian when she saw which book Thoko had chosen. Thoko looked carefully as her book was stamped with the date that she would have to bring it back. “There you go!” said Nadia, handing Thoko her first library book and her first library card.

“Now you are a member of the library,” said Nadia. Thoko was very happy!

“Carry the book nicely,” said Gogo as they left.

That book! What a story! What pictures! Even Gogo said it was the best children’s story she had ever read. And when Thoko told the children at school about the book, they all wanted to see the pictures too.

So, one Friday, Thoko took the library book to school for Mrs Rhode, her teacher, to read and show the pictures. The children laughed and loved the story, especially Themba, who wanted it to be read again and again. But Mrs Rhode closed the book and gave it to Thoko to put back safely in her bag.

That evening at bedtime, Gogo said, “Thoko, tomorrow is the day we have to take your library book back to the library. So, tonight will be the last night for us to read that funny story.” Excitedly, Thoko opened her bag, but the library book was not there!

“Oh, Thoko,” said Gogo, “you must have left it at school!”

“No,” said Thoko, “I put it in my bag when Mrs Rhode gave it back to me!”

Thoko wanted to cry. What would the librarian say if she didn’t take her book back the next day? Then she did start to cry!

“Who would take it from your bag?” asked Gogo. Thoko thought and thought.

“Themba Nombela!” cried Thoko. “He loved the story so much he wanted it to be read again and again!”

“Does Themba steal?” asked Gogo.

“Themba sometimes takes things without asking, but he always brings them back,” answered Thoko.

The next morning, Gogo and Thoko went to the Nombela’s house to see if Themba had the library book.

“Yes,” said Themba, “I meant to give it back, but Linzi Dube borrowed it from me.”

So Themba showed Gogo and Thoko where the Dube’s lived. When they reached the house, Linzi was there … but not the book!

“Tata has it,” said Linzi. “He can’t read, but he wanted to look at the pictures.”

So off went Linzi, Themba, Thoko and Gogo to Tata’s house. They found him sitting outside his front door laughing his head off.

“Ha, ha, ha! Linzi, this book is too, too funny! I am enjoying it very much,” said the old man. Gogo explained that the book belonged to the library and that they only had a few minutes to get it back to the library on time.


Thoko had never seen Gogo walk so fast. But when they reached the library, the door was closed. Gogo read the notice and said, “It will only open again on Monday.”

“But Gogo, the librarian will be very cross because the book must be back today.”

“Don’t worry about it,” said Gogo. “I will explain to the librarian what happened. I am sure she will understand what can happen when a book is as nice as this one is. Everyone wants to read it! And until Monday comes, we can enjoy it a bit more.”

When Monday afternoon came, Gogo and Thoko took the book to the library. Nadia noticed that it was late. But when Gogo explained why they could not bring it back on time, Nadia smiled and said, “That’s a wonderful story! Thoko, next time, bring your friends to join the library … and Linzi’s grandfather too. We teach people to read on Friday mornings.”

And that’s exactly what happened.

Not only Themba who loves to borrow books, but Linzi and lots of Thoko’s school friends have joined the library. And so did Linzi’s grandfather! He likes the new words he learns to read every Friday. But the books he likes most of all, are the ones with pictures that make him laugh!


Download the English pdf here

Download the Sepedi pdf here

Download the IsiZulu pdf here

Download the IsiXhosa pdf here

Download the Sesotho pdf here

Download the Afrikaans pdf here

Incwadi kaThoko yokuqala yasemtasheni wezincwadi (IsiZulu)

Ngesikhathi uGogo ehambisa uThoko emtatsheni wezincwadi ukuze ayokhetha incwadi yakhe yokuqala yasemtatsheni wezincwadi, uThoko unesasasa kakhulu. Umsizi wasemtatsheni wezincwadi ukhombisa uThoko lapho zikhona izincwadi ezinezithombe bese uThoko ekhetha incwadi yezindaba emfanele. Lapho eya esikoleni nencwadi ukuze uthisha wakhe ayifunde ithandwa yizo zonke izingane. Zifuna ukuyizwa ziphinde ziyizwe futhi! UThoko ubuyisela incwadi esikhwameni sakhe futhi, kodwa makhathaleni uma efika ekhaya, ayikho! Ngabe ikuphi? Ngabe uzophinde ayithole futhi? 

UThoko waya ngezinyawo emtatsheni wezincwadi noGogo. Wayekuthanda ukunuka kwesakhiwo esisha. Wayethanda amashalofu ezincwadi kanye namatafula akhazimulayo. Namhlanje, wayefisa ukuthola okuthile okukhethekile azokufunda. Incwadi yezindaba … enezithombe!

Wabamba isandla sikaGogo esifudumele base beyongena egumbini lapho okwakugcinwa khona zonke izincwadi zezingane. Ileti elalingemuva kwedeski laphakamisa amehlo lase limamatheka. Laligqoke ibheji elincane. Kwakubhalwe kulo ukuthi, “Li-bra-ri-an” (UMsizi wasemtatsheni wezincwadi).

“UThoko angathanda ukuboleka incwadi emtatsheni wezincwadi,” kusho uGogo.

“Ngabe uThoko unalo ikhadi lasemtatsheni wezincwadi?” kubuza umsizi wasemtatsheni wezincwadi. UThoko wanikina ikhanda. “Empeleni, ungalithola ikhadi lasemtatsheni wezincwadi lokuthatha izincwadi ngemva kokuthi wena noGogo senigcwalise ifomu,” kusho umsebenzi wasemtatsheni wezincwadi.

UGogo wahlala phansi esihlalweni esincane esiphuzi eduze kwetafula eliluhlaza okotshani wase eqala ukugcwalisa ifomu. UThoko wahlala esitulweni esibomvu waqalaza. Kwakukhona amatafula nezihlalo eziyimibala eyahlukene okuningi. Odongeni kwakukhona izithombe kanye namaphosta okuningi okuyimibala eyahlukene. Emashalofini kwakukhona izincwadi eziningi kakhulu.

“Ngiyakuthanda ukuba lapha,” kunyenyeza uThoko. UGogo waphakamisa amehlo wase emamatheka.

“Nawe ungazitholela incwadi emnandi ozoya nayo ekhaya,” kusho uGogo.

UThoko wazungeza indlu ehamba kancane. Ezinye izincwadi zazisemashalofini aphezulu kakhulu engeke akwazi ukufinyelela kuzo. Ezinye wayekwazi ukufinyelela kuzo, kodwa zazinamagama amaningi, kodwa zingenazithombe.

“Ake ngikubonise ukuthi zibekwe kuphi izincwadi zezithombe, Thoko,” kusho umsizi wasemtatsheni wezincwadi onomusa, ogama lakhe kwakunguNadia. UThoko walandela uNadia ukuya emashalofini ayewubude obumlingene.


“Thatha isikhathi sakho,” kusho uNadia. “Nginesiqiniseko sokuthi uzozitholela incwadi ekufanele.”

Ngesikhathi uGogo efaka ifomu, uThoko wayesezitholele incwadi emfanele – incwadi emayelana negundane, impungushe, isikhova, inyoka KANYE nenunu embi enezimpondo namazinyo aphumele ngaphandle.

“Ibukeka yethusa kakhulu. Ake sibone ukuthi ayikho yini engeke ikwenze ube namaphupho amabi,” kusho uGogo. UGogo wathola incwadi enekhava enhle. Yayinesithombe sikaferi ogqoke ingubo yebhaleyi ephinki kanye namaphiko akhazimulayo.

“Ibukeka iyinhle le ncwadi,” kusho uGogo. Kodwa uThoko wanikina ikhanda. Wayazi ukuthi yini ayithandayo futhi wayazi ukuthi ufunani. Ngakho-ke, wankonkoshela incwadi yakhe.

“A, wonke umuntu uyayithanda leyo ncwadi,” kusho umsebenzi wasemtatsheni wezincwadi lapho ebona incwadi ekhethwe uThoko. UThoko wabukisisa ngesikhathi kugxivizwa incwadi yakhe ngosuku okuzomele ayibuyise ngalo. “Nanso-ke!” kusho uNadia, enikeza uThoko incwadi yakhe yokuqala yasemtatsheni wezincwadi kanye nekhadi lakhe lokuqala lasemtatsheni wezincwadi.

“Manje usuyilungu lasemtatsheni wezincwadi,” kusho uNadia. Uthoko wayejabule kakhulu!

“Iphathe kahle-ke incwadi,” kusho uGogo sebehamba.

Hawu, leya ncwadi! Leya ndaba! Izithombe ezinjani pho! NoGogo wathi kwakuyindaba enhle kakhulu yezingane ayeseke wayifunda. Kanti kwathi lapho uThoko etshela ezinye izingane esikoleni ngendaba, zonke zafuna ukubona nezithombe zakhona.

Ngakho-ke, ngolunye uLwesihlanu, uThoko waya nencwadi yasemtatsheni wezincwadi esikoleni ukuze uNkosikazi Rhode, uthisha wakhe, ayifunde futhi abakhombise nezithombe. Izingane zahleka futhi zayithanda indaba, ikakhulukazi uThemba, owayelokhu efuna ukuthi indaba iphindwe njalo. Kodwa uNkosikazi Rhode wayivala incwadi wase eyinikeza uThoko ukuze ayibuyisele ngokuphepha esikhwameni sakhe.

Kusihlwa ngalelo langa, ngesikhathi sokulala, uGogo wathi, “Thoko, kusasa wusuku lokubuyisela incwadi yakho yasemtatsheni wezincwadi emtatsheni wezincwadi. Ngakho-ke, namhlanje ebusuku kuzoba usuku lokugcina lokuthi sifunde leyo ndaba ehlekisayo.” Ngesasasa, uThoko wavula isikhwama sakhe, kodwa incwadi yasemtatsheni wezincwadi yayingekho lapho!

“O, Thoko,” kusho uGogo, “kusho ukuthi uyishiye esikoleni!”

“Cha,” kusho uThoko, “Ngiyifake esikhwameni sami lapho uNkosikazi Rhode engibuyisela yona!”

UThoko wayesefuna ukukhala. Uzothini umsizi wasemtatsheni wezincwadi uma engasayibuyiseli incwadi yakhe emuva ngosuku olulandelayo? Wase eqala ukukhihla isililo!

“Ubani obengayithatha esikhwameni sakho?” kubuza uGogo. Uthoko wayelokhu ecabanga.

“UThemba Nombela!” kukhala uThoko. “Uyithande kakhulu indaba kangangokuthi ubefuna ifundwe ngokuphindelela!”

“Ngabe uyeba uThemba?” kubuza uGogo.

“UThemba ngesinye isikhathi uthatha izinto engazange azicele, kodwa uhlale ezibuyisa,” kuphendula uThoko.

Ekuseni ngakusasa, uGogo noThoko baya kwaNombela beyobheka ukuthi ngabe ikuThemba yini incwadi yasemtatsheni wezincwadi.

“Yebo,” kusho Themba, “Bengithi ngizoyibuyisa, kodwa uLinzi Dube uyiboleke kimi.”

Ngakho uThemba wakhombisa uGogo noThoko kwaDube. Lapho befika endlini, uLinzi wayekhona … kodwa ingekho incwadi!

“IkuBaba,” kusho uLinzi. “Akakwazi ukufunda, kodwa ubefuna ukubuka izithombe.”

Basuka-ke, uLinzi, uThemba, uThoko noGogo baya endlini kaBaba. Bamthola ehleli ngaphandle komnyango wakhe wangaphambili ehlekela phezulu.

“Ha, ha, ha! Linzi, le ncwadi ihlekisa kakhulu! Ngiyithokozela kakhulu,” kusho ikhehla. UGogo wachaza ukuthi incwadi yayingeyasemtatsheni wezincwadi nokuthi babesalelwe imizuzu embalwa ukuba bayibuyisele emtatsheni wezincwadi ngesikhathi.


UThoko wayengakaze abone uGogo ehamba ngokushesha okungaka. Kodwa bathi uma befika emtatsheni wezincwadi, umnyango wase uvaliwe. UGogo wafunda isaziso wase ethi, “Uzovula ngoMsombuluko futhi.”

“Kodwa Gogo, umsizi wasemtatsheni wezincwadi uzosithukuthelela ngoba incwadi bekumele ibuye namhlanje.”

“Ungakhathazeki ngalokho,” kusho uGogo. “Ngizochazela umsizi wasemtatsheni wezincwadi ukuthi kwenzekeni. Nginesiqiniseko sokuthi uzoqonda ukuthi kwenzekalani uma incwadi imnandi njengale. Wonke umuntu ufuna ukuyifunda! Sisengayithokozela kakhulu futhi kuze kube ngoMsombuluko.”

Lapho kufika intambama yangoMsombuluko, uGogo noThoko bahambisa incwadi emtatsheni wezincwadi. UNadia wabona ukuthi seyedlulelwe yisikhathi. Kodwa lapho uGogo echaza ukuthi kungani bengakwazanga ukuyibuyisa ngesikhathi, uNadia wamamatheka wase ethi, “Zamnandi lezo zindaba! Thoko, ngokuzayo, woza nabangani

bakho ukuze bazobhalisela ukuba ngamalungu asemtatsheni wezincwadi … kanye nomkhulu kaLinzi futhi. Sifundisa abantu ukufunda njalo ngoLwesihlanu ekuseni.”

Yilokho-ke okwenzeka.

Akusiye kuphela uThemba othanda ukuboleka izincwadi, kodwa noLinzi kanye nabangani bakaThoko abaningi basesikoleni babhalisela ukuba ngamalungu asemtatsheni wezincwadi. Ngisho nomkhulu kaLinzi imbala! Uyawathanda amagama amasha afunda ukuwafunda njalo ngoLwesihlanu. Kodwa izincwadi azithanda kakhulu, yilezo ezinezithombe ezimenza ahleke!


Incwadi yethala leencwadi yokuqala kaThoko (IsiXhosa)

UThoko wangena kwithala leencwadi ehamba kunye noMakhulu. Walithanda kakhulu ivumba lesakhiwo esitsha. Wazithanda kakhulu iishelufa zeencwadi kunye neetafile ezibengezelayo. Namhlanje wayenethemba lokufumana incwadi ekhethekileyo aza kuyifunda. Incwadi yamabali … enemifanekiso!

Wabamba isandla sikaMakhulu esishushu xa bengena kwigumbi apho zonke iincwadi zabantwana zazigcinwa khona. Inenekazi elalisedesikeni laphakamisa intloko, labajonga lancuma. Lalinxibe ibheji encinane. Kuyo kwakubhalwe, “Li-bra-ri-an” (“So-tha-la”).

“UThoko angathanda ukuboleka incwadi kwithala leencwadi,” kutsho uMakhulu.

“Ingaba uThoko unalo ikhadi lethala leencwadi?” wabuza usothala. UThoko wanikina intloko. “Kulungile ke, ungalifumana ikhadi lethala leencwadi uze uboleke iincwadi emva kokuba nje uMakhulu ezalise olu xwebhu,” kwatsho usothala.

UMakhulu wahlala phantsi kwisitulwana esityheli esingakwitafilana eluhlaza waze waqalisa ukuzalisa uxwebhu. UThoko wahlala esitulweni esibomvu wabhekabheka. Kwakukho iitafile nezitulo ezininzi ezimibalabala. Kwakuxhonywe imifanekiso neepowusta ezimibalabala edongeni. Ezishelufini kwakukho iincwadi eziziintlobo ngeentlobo nezininzi kakhulu.

“Ndiyalithanda eli thala leencwadi,” kwasebeza uThoko. Umakhulu waphakamisa amehlo wamjonga, waze wancuma.

“Kutheni ungakhangeli incwadi emnandi oza kuyiboleka ze ugoduke nayo nje,” kwatsho uMakhulu.

UThoko wajikeleza kwelo gumbi ethe chu. Ezinye iincwadi zazikwiishelufa eziphezulu, angafikeleliyo kuzo. Kwezinye wayefikelela, kodwa ezo zona iincwadi zazinamagama amaninzi, zingenamifanekiso.

“Mandikubonise ukuba zigcinwa phi na iincwadi ezinemifanekiso, Thoko,” kwatsho lo sothala unobubele, ogama linguNadia. UThoko walandela uNadia, baya kwiishelufa awayefikelela kakuhle kuzo.


“Ungangxami, uthathe ixesha lakho,” kwatsho uNadia. “Ndiqinisekile uza kuyifumana eyona ncwadi ikulungeleyo apha.”

Ngethuba uMakhulu engenisa uxwebhu, uThoko wayesele eyifumene incwadi emlungeleyo – incwadi eyayimalunga nempuku, impungutye, isikhova, inyoka KUNYE negongqongqo eloyikekayo elalineempondo namabamba amade.

“Le ncwadi ikhangeleka ngathi iyoyikisa. Masikhangele ukuba ayikho na enye engasayikukuphuphisa kakubi,” kwatsho uMakhulu. UMakhulu wafumana incwadi eneqweqwe elihle. Yayinomfanekiso womkholonjane onxibe ilokhwe yokudanisa epinki kunye namaphiko amenyezelayo.

“Le ikhangeleka iyincwadi emnandi,” watsho uMakhulu. Kodwa uThoko wanikina intloko. Wayekwazi akuthandayo kwaye wayeyazi into ayifunayo. Ngoko ke, wayibamba nkqi incwadi yakhe.

“Aha, wonke umntu uyayithanda loo ncwadi,” kwatsho usothala xa ebona ukuba uThoko ukhethe eyiphi na incwadi. UThoko waqwalasela ngononophelo xa ebona incwadi yakhe igximfizwa isitampu esinomhla ekufuneka ayibuyise ngawo. “Nantso ke!” kwatsho uNadia, enika uThoko incwadi yakhe yokuqala ayiboleke kwithala leencwadi kunye nekhadi lakhe lokuqala.

“Ngoku ke ulilungu elipheleleyo lethala leencwadi,” kwatsho uNadia. UThoko wayevuya kakhulu!

“Yiphathe kakuhle incwadi yakho,” watsho uMakhulu xa beshiya ithala leencwadi.

Hayi loo ncwadi! Elinjani ukuba mnandi ibali! Enjani ukutsala umdla imifanekiso! Nkqu noMakhulu wathi lelona bali labantwana limnandi awakhe walifunda eli. Kwaye wathi xa uThoko ebalisela abanye abantwana ngelo bali, bonke bafuna ukuyibona loo mifanekiso.

Ngoko ke, kwathi ngomnye uLwesihlanu uThoko wayithatha le ncwadi kwithala leencwadi waya nayo esikolweni, eyiphathele uNkosikazi Rhode, utitshalakazi wakhe, ukuze amfundele ze ambonise naloo mifanekiso. Abantwana babehleka kuba babelithandile elo bali, ingakumbi uThemba, nowayefuna ukuba liphindaphindwe ukufundwa. Kodwa uNkosikazi Rhode wayivala incwadi wayinika uThoko ukuze ayifake ebhegini yakhe apho ikhuseleke khona.

Ngokuhlwa kwaloo mini, ngexesha lokulala, uMakhulu wathi, “Thoko, ngomso lusuku lokubuyisela incwadi yakho kwithala leencwadi. Oko ke kuthetha ukuba ngokuhlwanje bubusuku bokugqibela bokufunda elo bali lihlekisayo. Ngochulumanco, uThoko wavula ibhegi yakhe, kodwa incwadi yethala leencwadi yayingekho apho!

“Owu, Thoko” watsho uMakhulu, “inokuba uyishiye esikolweni!”

“Hayi,” watsho uThoko, “Ndiyifake ebhegini yam asakundinika uNkosikazi Rhode!”

UThoko wayefuna ukukhala. Wayeza kuthini usothala ukuba uThoko akayibuyisanga incwadi ngosuku olulandelayo? Ngokwenene ke watsho waqalisa ukulila!

“Ngubani onokukhupha incwadi ebhegini yakho?” kwabuza uMakhulu. UThoko wacinga, ingqondo ibethabethana.

“NguThemba Nombela!” wakhala watsho uThoko. “Ebelithande kakhulu elaa bali kangangokuba ebefuna ukuba liphindaphindwe ukufundwa!”

“Ingaba uThemba lisela?” kwabuza uMakhulu.

“Ngamanye amaxesha uThemba uyazithatha izinto engazicelanga, kodwa udla ngokuzibuyisa,” kwaphendula uThoko.

Ngentsasa elandelayo, uMakhulu noThoko baya kwaNombela ukuya kukhangela ukuba incwadi yasethaleni leencwadi ikuThemba kusini na.

“Ewe,” watsho uThemba, “Bendiza kuyibuyisa, kodwa uLinzi Dube uye wayiboleka kum.”

UThemba wabonisa uMakhulu kunye noThoko apho ukhoyo umzi wakwaDube. Ukufika kwabo kuloo mzi, uLinzi wayekhona … kodwa yona incwadi yayingekho apho!

“IkuTatomkhulu,” kwatsho uLinzi. “Akakwazi ukufunda, kodwa ebefuna ukubuka imifanekiso.”

Nabo ke behamba bonke, uLinzi, uThemba, uThoko kunye noMakhulu besiya endlwini kaTatomkhulu. Bafika ehleli phambi kwendlu yakhe engahleki eqikileka.

“Ha, ha, ha! Linzi, le ncwadi ihlekisa kakhulu! Ndiyonwabele kakhulu,” latsho eli xhego. UMakhulu wamcacisela ukuba loo ncwadi yeyasethaleni leencwadi kwaye banemizuzu nje embalwa kakhulu yokuba bayibuyisele kwithala leencwadi kwangexesha.


UThoko wayengazange ambone uMakhulu ekhawuleza ngohlobo awayekhawuleza ngalo namhlanje. Kodwa ukufika kwabo kwithala leencwadi, ucango lwalusele luvaliwe. UMakhulu wafunda isaziso waze wathi, “Kuza kuvulwa ngoMvulo kwakhona ngoku.”

“Kodwa Makhulu, usothala uza kuqumba kakhulu kuba le ncwadi bekufuneka ukuba ibuye namhlanje,” kwatsho uThoko.

“Ungazikhathazi ngaloo nto,” kwatsho uMakhulu. “USothala ndiza kumcacisela ukuba kwenzeke ntoni na. Ndiqinisekile ukuba uyayiqonda into enokwenzeka xa incwadi imnandi njengale. Wonke umntu ufuna ukuyifunda! Okwangoku ke, singakhe siqhube umzuzwana siyonwabela nangakumbi de kufike uMvulo lowo.”

Kwathi kwakufika imvakwemini yangoMvulo, uMakhulu kunye noThoko bathatha incwadi bayibuyisela kwithala leencwadi. UNadia waqaphela ukuba idlulelwe lixesha. Kodwa wathi uMakhulu akumcacisela isizathu sokuba bangakwazi ukuyibuyisa kwangexesha, wasuka

uNadia wancuma, wathi, “Libali elimangalisayo eliyaa! Thoko, kwixesha elizayo usiza, yiza nabahlobo bakho bonke ukuze babengamalungu ethala leencwadi nabo … ningamshiyi ke notatomkhulu kaLinzi naye. Sifundisa abantu ukufunda qho kusasa ngoLwesihlanu.”

Nyhani ke, koko kanye okwenzekayo.

YayingengoThemba nje kuphela owaye wathanda ukuboleka iincwadi, kodwa uLinzi nabahlobo bakaThoko abaninzi babangamalungu ethala leencwadi. Nkqu naye notatomkhulu kaLinzi! Uwathanda kakhulu amagama amatsha awafunda qho ngoLwesihlanu. Kodwa ezona ncwadi azithanda kakhulu, zezo zinemifanekiso emenza ahleke aqikileke!


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