
King Dalindyebo says he's tired of ANC 'liars', backs Malema's vision for Mthatha's revival

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Appearing alongside ANC leaders at the party's Chris Hani manifesto launch, King Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo had earlier warned that the ANC would win the elections through fraudulent means
Appearing alongside ANC leaders at the party's Chris Hani manifesto launch, King Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo had earlier warned that the ANC would win the elections through fraudulent means

EFF leader Julius Malema has emphasised that King Sabata Dalindyebo's (KSD) Tvet College, named after the stalwart of the struggle who paved the way for freedom and the father of current AbaThembu King Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo, must live up to its namesake's legacy.

"It can't just bear the name KSD and look terrible," he said.

Malema took his election campaign to Mthatha on Tuesday, 14 May 2024, addressing a crowd of enthusiastic supporters at KSD Tvet College.

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