
Franschhoek Literary Festival: Something for everyone and then some

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Franschhoek Literary Festival (Luke Daniel/News24)
Franschhoek Literary Festival (Luke Daniel/News24)

The streets of Franschhoek have been taken over by its annual literary festival. Attendees come from all over South Africa and other corners of the world for this celebration of literature and reading.

The quaint town is nestled in the Winelands, surrounded by mountains and vineyards. Usually, Franschhoek is quite laid-back, but over the weekend, it has been abuzz with book lovers, authors and industry workers.

The streets are packed with visitors, and parking spaces become rare sightings during the festival's peak hours. The median age of attendees probably falls on the older side, but scores of young readers bring down the average age (most are present for children's author David Walliams).

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