
SABC rejects DA's 'burning flag' ad, refuses to air it, unless amended

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DA leader John Steenhuisen took issue with the SABC, noting Ramaphosa and ministers' remarks about the advertisement. (Brenton Geach/Gallo Images)
DA leader John Steenhuisen took issue with the SABC, noting Ramaphosa and ministers' remarks about the advertisement. (Brenton Geach/Gallo Images)
  • The SABC refuses to broadcast the DA's controversial "burning flag" advertisement unless it's amended. 
  • The public broadcaster said it did not want to contribute to "fuelling outrage" and the burning flag goes against nation-building.
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The SABC refuses to broadcast the DA's contentious burning flag advert, unless the party amends it. 

Nyiko Shibambo, complaints specialist at the SABC, wrote to the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (Icasa), informing it that the public broadcaster would not flight the ad. 

"The SABC has been monitoring the outcry from South Africans of all races condemning the advertisement which is currently in circulation on various media platforms. Likewise, the  SABC believes that the advertisement encourages damage of treasured national symbols. The national flag is a national symbol which represents diverse elements of the country and national unity. Additionally, it is expected that the national flag should be accorded with dignity and respect. Thus, the flag is not a representation of a political party but the nation at large," reads the letter.

"The SABC has also noted the condemnation of the advertisement by the president of the republic and other government departments."

The broadcaster said that, as a "responsible public broadcaster", it did not want to be part of "fuelling the outrage that is evidenced on divergent media platforms".

It added:

In the spirit of the South African constitutional values and principles of national unity and nation-building, the desecration of the national flag should be condemned.

"The SABC, as a public broadcaster, is mandated to promote nation-building through its services and the said political advertisement goes against the spirit of nation-building. 

"The SABC has also noted that some of the words used in the advertisement in question are subject to a formal complaint lodged with Icasa against the SABC. Therefore allowing this advertisement to be broadcast will be prejudicial to the SABC."

Shibambo said the SABC encourages the DA to amend the advertisement and resubmit it for broadcast. 

READ | DA's burning flag ad: Ramaphosa calls it treasonous, Zille ready for war

DA leader John Steenhuisen, speaking at a campaign event in Soweto on Thursday, took issue with the SABC, noting Ramaphosa and ministers' remarks about the advertisement. 

"So the ANC deployees at the SABC are saying because the ANC president and because the ANC minister doesn't like our advert, they're not going to show it to South Africa.

"They are banning the advert because they know it tells the truth about the ANC."

He said the DA's lawyers have already been briefed to challenge the "censorship". 

"The last time I read the Constitution, it said something about freedom of speech."

The DA launched the ad on Sunday, and soon came under fire from outraged South Africans taking umbrage at the depiction of a burning South African flag. 

The burning flag is meant to depict that "life will only get worse" should there be a coalition between the ANC, EFF and the Zuma "faction" after the 29 May elections.

On Tuesday, President Cyril Ramaphosa said in a statement that the advert was desperate, inciteful and undermining the principles of democracy in a statement, while Sports, Arts and Culture Minister Zizi Kodwa said he was considering legal advice. 

The DA, however, has been unrepentant, with Steenhuisen saying at a campaign event in East London on Tuesday that the advertisement was meant to get people talking. 

"I am very glad that people are watching the advert. There are over three million views which is what we want in a political advert. It is meant to be uncomfortable," he said, as reported by News24.

"Our economy is burning. Our infrastructure is burning. Our unemployment rate is burning. Our child malnutrition rate is burning. All these things are setting the country back."

READ | Helen Zille: Flag firestorm: Are you a burner or a builder?

DA federal council chairperson Helen Zille also defended the advertisement, and explained why a burning flag was used.

"We picked the flag as the clearest symbol of the dream we shared 30 years ago, at the dawn of democracy under President Nelson Mandela. The flames show how his vision has been ravaged by 30 years of ANC rule. And we warn that under an ANC/EFF/MK/PA coalition, it will be obliterated entirely," she wrote. 

"The 30 seconds ends with our flag restored to its erstwhile glory with a call to action for every adult South African: 'Rescue SA, vote DA!' "

Icasa's regulations permit a broadcaster to reject a party or independent candidate's advertisement before being broadcast. 

It must then inform the party concerned within two days and give it an opportunity to amend the advertisement. 

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